The Cost and Value of Dental Implants

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How much dental implants cost will be dependent on several factors unique to your situation, including:

  • How many teeth are being replaced
  • Which type of dental implant is being used
  • Which preparatory services or treatments will be needed

During your initial consultation at our Greenville office, we will carefully assess the health and condition of your teeth and gums, and provide you with costs, up front, for those services we recommend.

Cost vs value of dental implants

Why Dental Implants

Dental implants and implant supported dentures may cost more than other tooth replacement options. However, dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that is designed to last for a lifetime.

The roots of teeth serve serval functions, not the least of which is indicating to the body where to direct minerals for jawbone density. When a root is missing, your body will eventually stop feeding that part of the jaw, which can lead to bone loss, jaw shrinkage, and eventual collapse.

Dental implants are used to replace missing tooth roots. Only dental implants are designed to prevent the eventuality of jaw shrinkage.

Because they replace the root of the tooth, dental implants prevent bone loss. What’s more, because they are secured in place by osteoblasts and connective tissue, only infection or disease will make them come loose or fall out. This is similar to your natural teeth, though dental implants are much less sensitive to trauma.

Restoring Dental Implants

Dental implants are typically restored with dental crowns or full or partial dentures. These serve to replace the crown portion of the tooth and to restore strength and beauty to your smile. We offer crowns and dentures that are shaped, shaded, and sized to fit perfectly with your natural teeth, enabling them to blend seamlessly in both form and function.

When placed over implants, the strength and appearance of your restorations can last for decades, so long as proper care is taken. This includes brushing, flossing, and maintaining biannual visits with our Greenville family dentists. During your routine visits for cleanings, we can discuss your at-home routine and offer guidance on how to best care for your teeth and restorations for optimal oral health.

Financing Dental Implants

Many dental insurance plans provide coverage for at least a portion of dental implant placement and restoration. Please check with your provider to see what benefits are available to you. We are a fee-to-see facility, but work with most insurance providers.

If insurance is not a good option for you, we work with offer in-house financing and accept third-party payments from CareCredit® and others. During your initial consultation, we can discuss all of your options in detail to help you choose the best one for your needs.

Healthy Smiles Dental Plan

With our Health Smiles Dental Plan, even patients with pre-existing issues like gum disease can take 15% off of preventive services and 10% off of most other services for an annual enrolment fee of just $29. If you are interested in this plan, please click here for a brochure or ask about it during your next visit to our office.

Learn More About the Cost for Dental Implants

To learn more about dental implants and other tooth replacement options, please call Flatrock Family Dentistry at (864) 756-5576 and schedule a consultation today. Located in Greenville, we serve all surrounding South Carolina communities.