Why Are Toothaches So Painful?

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Toothaches are painful because they are signs that the pulp of a tooth is damaged. When the tooth enamel protecting a tooth fails, harmful bacteria can infect the pulp and eventually cause the tooth to fail. The pulp is often considered the life force of a tooth because it houses the tooth’s connective tissues, nerve endings, and blood vessels. When the nerve endings are damaged, extreme pain will often be felt. You should visit a dentist if any of the following symptoms of a toothache appear:

– Extreme pain in a tooth is felt 24 hours later even after taking pain relievers.
– Look for signs of facial swelling or abscesses.
– Look for discharge or pus formation around a tooth.
– Toothaches typically occur if your TMJ’s are damaged.
– Sometimes a toothache can be caused by wisdom teeth erupting above the gum line.
– Do you have any unexplained facial rashes?
– Do you have any unexplained high fevers or chills?
– Have you recently suffered any blunt trauma to your teeth?

If you suffer from a toothache, contact Flatrock Family Dentistry at (864) 756-5576 to schedule a visit. To schedule an oral examination with Dr. Christopher Rouse and our team at our dentist office in Greenville, South Carolina, please contact us at your earliest convenience. It’s never too late to start taking steps to a healthier you.