Why You Should Still See Your Dentist During a Pandemic

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With a world-wide pandemic happening, many of our daily, weekly, monthly and annual routines have changed. While many of us are trying to get back to a “new normal”, the process brings up lots of questions and fears.

To begin with, you might wonder how important it is to keep up with your dental care during Covid19. The answer is simple, it is very important. We want to take this opportunity to explain why keeping up with your dental care is key, especially during a pandemic.

How Your Oral Health Links To Your Overall Health

Your dental health links directly to your overall health. By neglecting dental care you can unknowingly cause and/or worsen other health issues within your body. We want to make sure our patients are not adding any underlying health conditions by avoiding dental care. This will be so important for those who do get the Covid19 virus.

The CDC states that the top three dental conditions that hold the most influence on your overall health are tooth decay (cavities), gum disease and severe tooth loss. Some of the underlying conditions this can cause is heart infection, lung infection, aspiration, endocarditis and localized damage to the mouth and teeth.

As you can see, the above conditions affect many of the same important organs and body systems as Covid19. It is uncertain how long we will be dealing with this virus, and this is another reason you shouldn’t continue to avoid your dental care.

The good news is that dental offices are one of the safest places that you can visit. At Flatrock Family Dentistry, we are taking an abundance of caution and have a structured plan focused on prevention and disinfection. We are doing everything in our power to keep our patients and team healthy and safe.

At Flatrock Family Dentistry, we truly consider our patients to be extended family. Our team is here to  help answer any questions or concerns you have. A special thank you to our wonderful patients who have been so patient with our new protocols. Team Flatrock looks forward to helping you continue to have a happy and healthy smile.